Saturday, August 6, 2011

Chicks born

As we previously posted, we brought the two hens from Chamonix and they settled straight in.  The cockerel that had survived Cooper's last visit was a lot happier to see us than we expected - no doubt his reaction was improved by the sight of two unplucked (excuse the pun) hens which trotted out of the transport box.  Before we set off for Wales around 5 weeks ago, the red hen was showing signs of being broody and when we got back she was well and truly settled on around 10 eggs.  Only 4 of them were still warm when we checked so we put the 4 eggs and her in solitory confinement and she made a lovely nest and settled down properly.

Yesterday we were just discussing how long we would give it and wondering if we should place an order for some more stock when Bee spotted Cooper taking a serious interest in the confinement pen and lo and behold the squeek of tiny chicks could be heard.  3 out of the 4 eggs hatched and the kids (especially Scarlett) were overjoyed.

Now we just have to keep them safe from dogs, cats, buzzards and foxes and of course cross fingers they are all female!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Al, Bee, Scarlett and Ben,

    Congratulations on your new arrivals!

    Really enjoying keeping up to date with your adventure.

    Good luck

    Graham, Caroline, Eva and Lila.

