Wednesday, January 16, 2013

More lambing photos

Newborn twins
Single lambs
The twins again
The ten day old lambs in the field


  1. Bonjour from Chamonix.
    You look like you have your hands full!! What an amazing pumpkin+ crop you had. Bee, what did you knit with the wool that you so expertly sheared???
    Everything looks like it is going so well for you guys, although it certainly looks like a lot of hard work. Hope you are enjoying the sustainable life.
    hugs from Emma, Richard, Rémi and Tino.

  2. Bonjour Emma, Richard, Remi and Tino, Thanks for your message - we are all doing real well and enjoying our new life. How is Les Bossons? We saw Bossons was on the news for that nasty accident with the English father and son. We didn't knit anything with the wool, we use it for mulching fruit trees - spinning and knitting is a project for the future! In case you or anyone you know is interested, we are looking for house sitters for the 22nd July to 5th August. Take care and say hi to anyone that remembers us. X

  3. Hi, Is it just me or have you always had the 'followers' option on your side bar?
    How are the lambs doing?
    I don't seem to have an email address for you so I can't email you (obviously!) Just wanted to ask if you still have a place in Pembrokshire? And if so is it in Newport? We are going in July and are looking for a place to rent.
    I don't think you have my email either so here it is
    Have you planted anything yet? I nearly planted some spuds but my father in law said OH NO not until the St Glace has passed.
    Hugs to all 4 of you and all the 'wildlife'.
